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About Me



I am a front-end & integration developer with lots of graphics production chops.

  • HTML, CSS/SCSS, JavaScript, ActionScript 3*
  • npm ecosystem
  • React, Gatsby, Vue*
  • GraphQL
  • experience working with REST APIs
  • npm, yarn, grunt*, gulp*
  • Git, SVN*
  • Jira for bug reporting
  • familiarity with a11y practices
  • familiarity with writing unit tests (it's a work-in-progress!)
  • experience with CI/CD workflows


I love working with software but these are generally the tools I use (or have used) for development.

  • VS Code; Sublime*, Atom*
  • Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign (intermediate to expert)
  • Adobe After Effects, Media Encoder, Premiere (basic production experience)
  • Adobe Animate (AKA Flash)*
  • Sketch, Figma
  • Microsoft Office

* previous experience that may now be deprecated



I have post-secondary degrees (BSc Civil Eng., MBA) but they essentially distill down to an affinity for problem-solving and a awareness of the less-technical (the human and business factors of any project are important, as well).

Design and creativity are very motivating and important to me. They are underlying factors in how I approach ideation and solutions. I have worked closely with designers and user experience researchers which allows me to view the expectation and outcome of my work more holistically as well as more sympathetically from the standpoint of the end user.

I strive to build with a designer's eye and an engineer's exacting tolerance. This means sometimes finding the best compromise between left- and right-brained approaches to maximize efficiency through optimization and still delivering on a creative vision. Sometimes it requires questioning and very often it also means listening a whole lot.

Being Different

Being Canadian makes me feel like I can be self-deprecating and laugh at myself at the same time. Yet, growing up Asian made me also sensitive to intolerance. Inclusion, equality and openness are values I appreciate; projects I have been part of that consisted of people with different perspectives and cultural sensitivities have been positive experiences.

Contact Me

I'm always on the lookout for a good collab or project. I would love to hear from you!


Site Information

This site was built using the Gatsby framework and Tailwind CSS for efficient atomic styling, and kindly hosted on Netlify.

The typefaces used belong to the Zilla Slab family by Typotheque.

Source Code

Code for this site can be downloaded or cloned for your own purposes, whether it's for learning, modification or re-use, with the exception of the imagery and text content. Please see the README and LICENSE files for more information.

© Copyright 2022 Victor Chan